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How does God spread the gospel?
Sometimes he uses a flood.

After losing all of the family crops in a large flood, Saroth Touch, a member of the Kun Domrey church, moved to Knarosey, a village near the border of Thailand. Word had it that the Khmer government was giving away land in this faraway province. Three other families left Kun Domrey and joined Saroth.

Knarosey: A Village of New Beginnings

The village of Knarosey has continued to attract people from all around Cambodia looking for a fresh start. Those that run across Saroth will likely hear another message of hope. Saroth and his fellow believers are busy sharing with anyone and everyone who will listen to the story Jesus. 

A New Church. A New Song.

Once settled in their new village, Saroth invited Chiv and Emara to come to Knarosey and share with his neighbors the Christian gospel. After speaking at length about Jesus’ mission to rescue the lost, 32 people gave their lives to Christ. The Knarosey congregation first met in a thatched-roof structure that was destroyed by weather. Now they have a new building where worship songs ring out and the message of Jesus is proclaimed. They are eager to reach their community with the gospel and creative in their efforts to do so, recently building a bridge to make the church more easily accessible.


Rocky Soil. Absent Fathers.

Despite the free land, the soil here is rocky and the crops are slow-coming. Many fathers travel to nearby Thailand to find other work, leaving family members behind. Knarosey is a growing village full of empty hearts and human pain. Jesus is now there in the gospel message of men like Saroth. Won’t you help him spread this message? You can.

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