Home > About Cambodia >Tragedy of Cambodia
On the surface Cambodia is a fertile, ancient country that captivates the imagination. But behind its lush green terrain lies a dark history of colonialism, war and holocaust.
The Cambodian Genocide
Sadly, this is a country best known for the Cambodian genocide. During the 1970s the brutal reign of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge resulted in the executions of an estimated 1,386,734 Cambodians. In addition to those that were executed in cold blood, another 2 million of the approximate 8-million country’s population lost their lives from starvation and disease.
Today, more than 20,000 mass graves dot the landscape of this verdant country. The citizens of Cambodia are still losing lives and limbs to undetected landmines planted by the retreating Khmer Rouge forces four decades ago. The aftermath of all this death and destruction is a generation of lost, hurting people.
Up from the Killing Fields
Today, the Cambodia economy is largely fueled by tourism. People from around the globe visit the historic temples and scenic grandeur of this tiny country. But some visitors have a bigger agenda. Chiv and his frequent short-term mission visits are bringing the redemptive love of the Christian gospel to this previously unreached
people. Heart for Cambodia is planting churches in rural villages and helping to provide better infrastructure and sustainability. Most of all, we are touching lives, changing outcomes and penetrating the spiritual darkness of this lost generation with a message of hope. Won’t you help?
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