God is busy touching the hearts and transforming the lives of the Cambodian people.
Donate Today
We are grateful to be a part of what he is doing in this precious country. If you would like to help us spread the message of Jesus Christ to this spiritually thirsty people, your donation can help with sustainability, benevolence and discipleship training. Just complete the form below. Heart for Cambodia is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Your donations and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
More Short-Term Mission Trips Being Planned
There is so much left to be accomplished. Chiv and his wife, Emara look forward to many more trips back to their homeland. Heart for Cambodia needs volunteers like you who can commit to a week-long short-term mission trip and be responsible for raising your own support. To contact us to learn about our next short-term mission trip and how you can get involved, email us at info@heartforcambodia.org
A Generous Donation Can Help Others Go
People are busy. We understand. If you cannot carve out a week to participate in a short-term mission to Cambodia, you can still touch the Cambodian people with a generous one-time gift. Or if God so moves you, you can commit to a monthly financial gift to Heart for Cambodia.
These gifts help us establish scholarships for people having difficulty raising their support.
Regular Prayer Support
In the Bible, James reminds us that the prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much. One of the best ways for you to support this ministry is by remembering to pray for this ministry. We have churches and individuals praying for us around the world. Feel free to tell someone of your church’s mission committee about the work of Heart for Cambodia. The more people who are praying for this ministry, the more God can use us.
Volunteer for Us
We need people to work in the office, stuff envelopes, answer phones––you name it. To be a volunteer email us at info@heartforcambodia.org.
Items of Need
• Airline discounts for traveling to Cambodia.
• Donated laptops for Chiv and the leaders in Cambodia to communicate.
• Prenatal vitamins, antacid tablets, aspirin and other pain relievers.
• Reading glasses.
• Gently used clothing that is lightweight (summer attire). Sizes: adult small, children and infant sizes.
• Cell phones with SIM cards (We can have the Khmer Bible placed on them for those who can’t read).
• Rice and noodles for flood victims.